Saturday, February 18, 2017

Midnight LilyMidnight Lily by Mia Sheridan
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

UGH this PAINS me. Putting a 3-star rating on a Mia Sheridan book KILLS me...
...but I found myself SO CONFUSED while reading this book!

Quite literally, this was my face throughout MOST of the book:

I tried to understand it, truly I did. I even re-read it a FEW times in an attempt to work through what exactly was going on with the main characters, all to no avail.

The book started out great for me, but the second the first twist is revealed, I was a goner. It felt A LOT like a mixture of all of her books, (view spoiler) but it just didn't quite work.

All this being said, Mia Sheridan is STILL hands down one of my favorite authors ever. One 'meh' book won't change that. #TeamMia #LoveMeSomeArcher #SorryForThisReview #DamnMyHonestOpinion!

View all my reviews

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